Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi on Tuesday said the Pakistan Navy Day on 8th September is a glorious reminiscence of the nation’s history celebrated every year to acknowledge the sacrifices, spirit and iconic contributions of the Naval heroes who embodied determination, courage and valour during the 1965 War.
“The day reminds us of the heroic deeds and daring achievements of our Ghazis (who returned from the battle with pride) and Shuhada (martyrs) who fought gallantly with absolute faith in Allah SWT,” the Naval Chief said in his message on the occasion of Navy Day.
He added that this day marked a golden chapter in the rich naval history and source of inspiration and pride for the future generations.
On the night of 7/8 September 1965, a Flotilla comprising seven major warships of Pakistan Navy, in a daring operation code named ‘SOMNATH’, bombarded Indian port of Dwarka.
The swift and precise action destroyed important shore installations including Indian radar station and a radio beacon directing Indian Air Force Bombers for attacks on Karachi shattering the Indian pride.
Navy Day is also in commemoration of Pakistan Navy lone Submarine Ghazi’s historic achievement in 1965 which reigned supreme and remained unchallenged at sea throughout the war.
Her presence in the vicinity of Indian port kept the Indian Navy Ships including their Aircraft Carrier bottled up in harbour and ineffective to venture into the North Arabian Sea.
“Pakistan Navy is unceasingly proving its mettle and has emerged as a potent naval force in the region. PN proactively contributing in collaborative maritime security initiatives as partner of international navies beside its own initiative of Regional Maritime Security Patrols (RMSP) for a secure maritime milieu in the region and beyond, the Naval Chief said.
PN, he said is alive to its mounting responsibilities and role in the success of CPEC Project ensuring vital and focused security initiatives.
“The Navy is fully capable and vigilantly guarding country’s maritime interests. PN besides its core task of maritime defence of the country is committed to the development of maritime sector and bringing the dividends of Blue Economy to the nation,” he underscored.
“As we commemorate the spirit of Navy Day, all ranks of Pakistan Navy reaffirm solidarity with their Kashmiri brethren and denounce the blatant and illegal annexation of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK). Pakistan will continue to support Kashmiris’ rightful struggle according to the aspirations of Kashmiri people and relevant UNSC Resolutions, the Naval Chief resolved.
The Naval Chief concluded his message with his prayer, “Today, Officers, Men and Women of Pakistan Navy renew their resolve and commitment to stand firm in the face of any adversity and defend our beloved motherland, to the last man and the last drop of our blood.May Allah (SWT) be our Guide and Protector (Ameen).”
The Naval Chief’s message was followed by the slogans of PAKISTAN NAVY ZINDABAD, PAKISTAN PAINDABAD!.