Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has said the resources were mercilessly plundered in the past but the PTI government has scrapped this venal culture and the politics of looters have come to an end.
In a statement, Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar said the development journey is in progress despite anarchist elements’ conspiracies. Pakistan is moving forward with renewed vigour towards the destination, he added. Usman Buzdar maintained the people have rejected the negative politics of the opposition adding that the time has passed when corrupt were sheltered under the umbrella of the government. Time has passed when corrupt were patronized and protected, he repeated and regretted that the spate of corruption has ruined the country. A policy of zero-tolerance is followed against corruption, he stated. The government will curb the corrupt mafias and action will be continued against such elements. Meanwhile, the opposition’s occasional rant and rave is nothing more than deception and pretension, concluded the CM.
Strict Accountability
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has said the people want the elimination of corruption and strict accountability of the corrupt.
In a statement, the CM said the people want the looters to be made a symbol of disgrace as they have incurred irreparable losses to the country. The looters will not escape from their logical end, he declared. PTI’s struggle against corruption is yielding positive results and the people are not supporting the corrupt. The nation pays tribute to PM Imran Khan for a firm struggle against corruption; he added and maintained that an honest leadership will resolve problems while introducing new traditions of honesty and transparency.
Transparent Pakistan
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has said the foundation of a transparent Pakistan has been laid under the leadership of PM Imran Khan.
In a statement, the CM said the incumbent government is most transparent adding that people are not influenced by hollow slogans. There is no future for the politics of allegations, he said. The era of real change has begun and welfare projects are designed according to public needs and requirements, added Usman Buzdar. Similarly, he said parliamentarians were consulted while chalking out district development packages to identify the distinct needs. The PTI government has given priority to composite development of the 36 districts, he reiterated. Regrettably, the development schemes succumbed to the attitude of like and dislike in the past and resources were spent on areas of choice while overlooking genuine public needs, concluded the CM.
Int’l Day Of Politics
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has said the purpose of the international cooperatives movement is to jointly work for collective wellbeing while getting rid of the forces of exploitation.
In his message, the CM said a revolution can be brought in the agriculture sector through cooperative movement. The role of cooperative societies has remained commendable in the agriculture and housing sectors; he added and appreciated the provision of residential facilities to the needy people and the distribution of loans among farmers through cooperative societies. However, there is a need to reinvigorate the cooperatives movement; he maintained and regretted that the past governments did not perform sufficiently to highlight the strong role of cooperative societies. It was enmity with the farmers but the PTI-led government has taken several steps to revamp cooperative societies because their role is very important in strengthening the agri economy, the CM added.
The CM said the Punjab Provincial Cooperative Bank Ltd is being revamped for strengthening the national economy. The government will promote the cooperative movements by activating the cooperatives department and it will be provided with every sort of assistance, the CM assured. Agri and economic self-reliance targets can also be achieved by activating the cooperatives movements and this day demands that such activities should be further promoted at the grassroots, concluded the CM.