The interior ministry has directed the concerned departments to inquire about the unlawful entry of Ms Musurkhanim Zairova, having Azerbaijan passport, from Peshawar Airport in October 2017 despite the fact that her name was in blacklist, since it was feared that the said lady was involved in anti-Pakistan activities, while working for some hostile foreign intelligence agency.
According to the official sources and documents available with this Correspondent, the incumbent secretary interior Yousaf Naseem Khokhar judging the sensitivity of the matter and after receiving complaints about the notorious activities of Ms. Zairova, has directed the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and other concerned departments to inquire as to how the said lady managed to enter in Pakistan.
“The matter of grave concern, as the secretary interior Mr Khokhar pointed out, is the fact that the said lady not only entered Pakistan despite being on Black List, but the data pertaining to Ms. Zairova had been altered and deleted in Integrated Border Management System (IBMS) to conceal and facilitate unlawful entry of Ms Zairova into Pakistan through Bacha Khan International Airport, Peshawar,” the sources said.
Ms Zairova, who managed to enter illegally in October 2017, since her name was on blacklist, was also deported from Faisalabad in November 2016.
“The IBMS was created after investing millions to strengthen border security, and to keep a check on the illegal immigration of anti-state elements into the country, but after this incident where IBMS was breached or its data altered and deleted is a matter of serious concern,” said sources, adding, “and it was because of this the Secretary Interior Ministry directed to conduct a thorough inquiry, initiate criminal proceedings and refer the matter for departmental action in case of involvement of any official.”
The sources said that in a recent (July 2021) letter to Interior Ministry from a senior officer of IBMS stated the fact finding inquiry was carried out, and the case has been forwarded to Director (FIA) KP Zone to initiate enquiry in this matter including criminal proceedings against the officials involved. “Results of the inquiry will be shared with the interior ministry in due course of time,” stated the letter.
The interior ministry has also raised valid question that when the said lady’s name was placed in blacklist, how had the visa been granted to her again and again by ministry of foreign affairs?
The sources said that it was reported by intelligence agencies that Ms. Zairova had brought around sixteen girls from various Central Asian and other countries, which she uses for “Honey Trap” and anti-Pakistan activities. “Furthermore, interestingly, the whereabouts of Ms. Zairova and her gang are also not known and specially when she is being hunted to be deported, reportedly, she and her gang has gone underground,” the sources said.