The Higher Education Commission (HEC), has invited applications for accreditation of Pakistan based research journals for year 2023-24 (July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024).
According to official sources, HEC facilitates national research journals registered entities through financial support and capacity building to enhance their publication standards.
These entities include Universities/Degree Awarding Institutions Sector R&D Organizations and non-profitable academic societies with the mandate having registration with Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) Societies only.
National research journals complying with HEC requirements for recognised annually through an open call.
Applications are invited for the year 2023-24 (July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024) from all Pakistan based research journals, which meet the following minimum eligibility criteria i. e valid ISSN, Journal Title, Journal owned by any University/DAI/R&D Organization/ Private Society/NGO and Functional Website of journal.
Meanwhile, Editorial /Advisory Board Composition (An academic editorial/advisory board (or equivalent), with PhD degrees in relevant fields (i.e ., area of publication) or FCPS/FRCS/MCPS degree for medical journals and strong research and publications background also required.
The journal must have published minimum 5 original research articles per issue. At least 2 review reports of each article.
The editor of journal will provide recommendation letter of head of institution in case of approved educational institution (public/private) or R&D public sector organizations.
The journals owned by non-profitable academic societies with the mandate for research will be considered only after the registration with Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) and or Registrar of Societies (Registration with other organizations will not be accepted).
Journal listed in removed list of Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ) or Australian Business Deans Committee (ABDC) will not be considered for accreditation.
The journals currently enlisted in HEC Journal Recognition System (HJRS) will also have to apply afresh for accreditation in FY 2023-24.
The applications should be submitted online at before April 07, 2023.
Application submitted through other means like post/email etc. will not be entertained.
The applicants may visit the portal where applications are submitted ( to get updated status of applications. No email/letter will be issued separately regarding the approval/rejection of applications.