President, Diplomatic Business Club (incorporated in Dubai, UAE and UK), Javed Malik has said that Dubai-based world’s top 4 companies would be brought to Pakistan in near future to explore JVs and investment in various sectors in Pakistan including waste management and solar energy.
While addressing the business community at Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI) on Sunday, Javed Malik said that over 200 companies of various countries were doing business in Dubai while regional headquarters of many multinationals were located there, therefore, it was necessary for the business community of Pakistan to develop strong business linkages with UAE’s counterparts to get easy market access in UAE and the international market.
He said that Pakistani business community should increase its presence and visibility in UAE by making frequent visits that would open up new avenues of business collaboration for them. He said that Pakistani companies have great business prospects in UAE in healthcare and many other fields and they should make efforts to take benefit of them. He said that ICCI should take a delegation to UAE and assured that Diplomatic Business Club would cooperate in connecting them with right partners. He also awarded honorary membership of Diplomatic Business Club (DBC) to President ICCI.
Speaking at the occasion, Muhammad Ahmed Waheed, President, Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry said that UAE was hub of business activities and ICCI in collaboration with Diplomatic Business Club (DBC) wanted to achieve productive results for Pakistan by getting better penetration in UAE market. He said that UAE housed many companies of the world and enhancing cooperation with it would bring multiple benefits to the economy of Pakistan. He also lauded the efforts of Javed Malik for promoting Pakistan’s business and economic interest in gulf region and added that ICCI in cooperation with DBC would try to further enhance Pakistan’s trade and exports to UAE.